Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ask the Right Question for setting Right Direction

Ask the right question to set right direction

Ask whether is it Worthy
Not Can I

If it is Worthy
Then ask How to
Not Can I

If it is Worthy
Then do whatever necessary to learn, to do, to practice till you can,
What can we know when we first arrive to this world,
we learn, we do, we practice....

We learn to walk, we fall and we tried again, repeatedly, and we take the first step, then another step, and another step, and another....

We learn to talk, we utter a word, and another, then we form sentences, then form an essay...

We learn and we practice,
so we are who we are today.

Don't limit us to what we can or can't, pursuit the worthy course and we are the one who are making things happen.

Make life a Worthy Life to live. We are responsible for our own lifestyle and our living quality.